UPC v UTV BB Phone Better or Worse


Registered User
Currently with Utv on their 3 mb package and only signed up to new contract in April

Also have utv talk so free calls to Ireland & Uk after 6 and free all weekend. Also have to pay Line rental on this

Chorus UPC NTL whatever they are called now are now available to me. Don't use the phone much just local calls and calls to Sis in UK that are free which is great

UPC dont offer free calls to UK only reduced rates.

Looking at UPC and their Broadband ultra and their phone service currently have TV with them not digital just the usual channels

So looking for views to switch or not ? I know I have to pay utv a cancellation fee should I change

I do download a lot and use to**ents a fair bit so do they throttle them?

Also seen some bad comments on here about Upc are they that bad ?

Any views appreciated
Well have to answer this myself boo hoo any opinions please let me know

Posted in wrong forum can mods move

Just checked my bill over the last 3 months and for the 3mb line and including phone rental and free calls it’s averaging about €51 a month.

Rang Upc

Can get Digital Tv and BB with phone for €70 month and that’s on the 12mb line and they told me that they are increasing this to 20mb

Told me that there are no caps on downloading This True ? Also notorious for Throttling torrents

For €80 a month get free local and country calls all day & no time limit. No free calls to UK

Currently on the old Analog tv & paying €27 a month so saving a few bob if I do switch

Is it easy to port to Blueface if I go down that route to save on phonebilles?

So now to ring Utv and see how much to cancel

Rang UTV

Only went on new tariff back in April so would have to pay a bloody rip of cancellation of €60!!!

If I stay on for 6months it goes down to €30 euros

So don’t think I will be cancelling just yet

Mind you if they increase their speeds in the summer I may have to sign another contract
Anyone know if UPC do their billing on line or is the statement in the letterbox every 2 months ?
Cheers thanks for that

Debating now if to change or not as it would cost me €60 now and €30 when my 6 months are up in October

Utv said they would be increasing their speeds from 3-7 as soon as they get notification from Eircom

However Upc have much faster speeds and thats what I am looking for would also like free calls

So whats users opinions on UPC

Anyone got a BB / Digital Tv and Phone package worth it ?
took the plunge and ordered phone / Digital tv & BB coming out to house next week to connect say in the morning ??

Have cancelled utv online 30 day notice period . When they connect they said I will be instantly on their service and can make free calls and use their BB

Is it just a standard connection they give me the router plug into my phone line and same with digital tv

Also what router to they supply as want to open up ports on them