UPC / NTL Contract Cancellation Fee


Registered User
I moved out from my family home in June , as I had been the account holder for the NTL , my dad took it over, he rang them to put it in his name as I was moving out , he was told he would have to set up his own account for privacy reasons etc . A few weeks later a bill arrived to the house for me , E139 , including a E100 In-Contract Canellation fee , and 1 months TV subscription of 39E.

In the mean time my dad had received a bill for the TV for the same period of time , which he paid. So armed with the 2 bills I rang their Customer Service department . Firstly I told them no contract was cancelled , TV supply still goes into the house , it just happens to be paid by a different person now . Besides , I didnt have a contract , I was a customer over 4 years, any contract was well-finished . I was told because i chose not to continue being a NTL customer in my new home I had to pay the cancellation fee , but its driving me insane as they still get money from my family house , who cares who pays it !!

We had upgraded from analogue to digital a few months previously when a rep was calling door to door so apparently that commenced a new contract , but I wasnt present that day , I signed nothing or spoke to no-one so as far as Im concerned it was not a new contract term .

I tried to explain too that the months' TV fee had been billed to my dad which he paid, she said she couldnt discuss another account-holder and regardless if he paid it or not I must pay it too ! In the end i told them I'd be paying nothing and to stop sending letters .

All was good until I received a letter from a Debt Collection Agency this week , demanding the money or face legal proceedings & bad credit rating etc . I'm absolutely fuming , a little scared but mostly extremely angry . Part of me says pay it to shut them up , but it so galls me that they can rip me off so greatly , I nearly feel like saying fine, see you in Court .

This is all insane , according to them I shouldnt of moved house until the imaginary contract was up , even the woman on the phone agreed but said thats the way it is .
Well not sure what you should do about the bill perhaps just pay it.
I would most certainly be deciding not to have any further dealings with them though once any current contract runs out - that goes for the home house too - that is if your dad agrees with you.
Thanks Brendan - my Dad was home that day , he rang me to confirm my bank account details to give to the rep as he said he needed them to upgrade the package . I didnt speak to the rep & didn't realise that this now constituted a new contract term . My dad signed nothing and I was never sent anything to sign .

If its in small print somewhere that this started a new contract I'll accept that , but I've never written to them to cancel anything . I simply wanted my dad to take over payments , and them saying that my dad had to open his own account , that he couldnt simply take over mine , seems to allow them charge me this cancellation fee. ( oh and they tried to charge my dad 40euro connection fee too! )

And now this bully-boy Debt Collection letter - am I being unreasonable ??!!
No, they are, on the face of it. Don't waste any more time talking to "the woman [or man] on the phone"; lay it out clearly in writing to them and indicate that your next step will be to seek legal redress along exactly the lines Brendan has suggested.
I'm absolutely fuming , a little scared but mostly extremely angry . Part of me says pay it to shut them up , but it so galls me that they can rip me off so greatly , I nearly feel like saying fine, see you in Court.
Lay the emotion aside and keep it "calm but firm". They'll back off pretty quick.
With regard to you not signing anything when you upgraded to digital, are you 100% sure of this or would your Dad have signed something?

Usually when the UPC technician comes to install the digital box they complete a New Service Document which details your account details, installation work carried out. it also has all the legal details overleaf, including the fact that you are entering into a new contract. The document doubles up as the technician's worksheet. They normally get you to sign it & give you a green carbon copy. I honestly think that it would be very unusual for them not to ask for a signature.

The form states:

'' Customer Service Agreement.

Sign below if you are in agreement with the terms shown herein & the conditions overleaf. I/We accept UPC's offer to provide the services shown above and the conditions set out overleaf which are incorporated in this contract and which I/We accept

I have two of these green forms: one which I signed years ago when I had NTL Digital which I cancelled after a couple of years, & another which I signed over a year ago when I went digital again. I have also signed my brother's name on a form for him when he was getting his installed & he couldn't be there on the day to let them in.

Could it be that your Dad signed your name, or even his name a few months ago?