unemployment benefit backpay?


Registered User

was just wondering if i would be entitled to unemployment benefit backdated to january '06? i have consulted the 'oasis' and 'welfare' websites but am unclear on a couple of points..............

the job i left in jan was an exam invigilator part-time job and the reason for leaving was basically the exams being over and a natural termination of contract-so i avoid the '9 week' penalty thingy i believe?

the websites consulted also say, however, that when claiming backpay a 'satisfactory reason' must be given as to why u have left it until now to claim and its at the discression of the person in the welfare office as to whether the reason is valid.........the reason i havent applied before now is that i really cudnt be arsed appling back in jan because i thought i'd get a job relatively quickly and in the meantime live off savings, and if the worst came to the worst i would apply at a later date - now is the later date as these same savings are running low!!! does anyone know if this is a satisfactory 'reason' or how i would phrase a satisfactory reason????

other details include; i have never claimed unemployment benefit before, i was working the whole year '05 with a different job, i have been actively seeking work between jan '06 and now with evidence and am fit for work in general............

Have you asked at your local welfare office about what, if anything, you might be entitled to? That would seem to be the simplest solution.