unemployment assistance(how long before you hear back)




i made a claim for unemployment assistance about 2 weeks ago now. Does anyone know if this is normal not to hear anything back from them? I gave all the correct documents needed and the lady in the welfare office said id hear back from them in a few days. Is there someone i should ring? or is this normal not to hear back from them.

Any comments appreciated.
Assistance claims do take longer than Benefit cliams as a Means assessment has to be done. a 2 week wait is not uncommon, but if your worried i ring the office just to make sure they have everything they need or give it 1 more week.
In the meantime, if you have no other income, you can make an application for Supplementary Welfare Allowance (SWA) with your local Community Welfare Officer (based at your local health centre). SWA is means tested too, but it's a lot faster, and if you qualify, you can be paid until your jobseeker's allowance comes through.