Wrong forum unable to service my credit card debt (approx €4,800) Sold to 3rd party.

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Registered User
First post here so thanks in advance for any help. Apologies if this issue has been covered before.

Have been working in private sector for 15 years and a combination of reduced hours, overtime etc combined with kids arriving on the scene and high costs of childcare I have been unable to service my credit card debt (approx €4,800). My debt has now been sold onto a third party who have recently contacted me by phone and letter requesting payment in full.

Have pared my expenses to the bone and am not in any position to make any sort of repayments. My mortgage is up to date as well as a small car loan on my small car.

Am up the wall with worry over this issue and what may happen next. Where do I go from here and what should my approach be to this third party.

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