UK Bank Statements


Registered User
Hi there, Just wondering what the OR looks at when looking through your 12 months of UK bank statements?

I have the 12 months here in front of me and they are all bills, rent, weekly shopping, petrol but then there are things on it like cinema trips, take away or a meal out on the rare occasion.

Just really wanted to know what happens at the OR meeting when you give him these statements.

Have OR interview next week.

The OR will not be interested in the items you mentioned. He will be looking for any exceptional items such as car purchases or large transfers between accounts. He will look very closely at income versus outgoings to see if an IPA can be reached. If you are not in permanent employment - and are working on zero hours, part time, short term contract etc. - it make sense to emphasise the precarious nature of your employment to pre-empt the OR suggesting an IPA. Make sure you use the maximum amounts re. your outgoings. If you have Visa Card Debt the OR will want to know the price of the last purchase, what it was for and the date. Good luck!!!
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Thanks Suarez for the advice. Statements were handed to him today he didnt go through them with is there. No IPA for us which is great but as per thread just posted we are having a bit of issue regarding car.