UB mortgage top up


Registered User
Hi there

we have mortgage with Ulster bank (3 years into 7yr fixed rate).

Hoping to apply for top up of ~30k in next 6months for home improvement.

With UB winding down will there be any issue with top up? Or would I be better off breaking out of fixed rate and switching banks?

1) What rate are you paying?
2) What is the break fee?
3) Have you been approved for a top-up?

4) What will your LTV be after you take out the top up?

Hi Brendan, thanks for getting back to me.

Currently on 2.99%
Unsure of break fee (was told I won't need to break if I proceed with mortgage top up as it'll run alongside mortgage for same term)
Approved in principle , need to formally apply when planning permission is obtained

current LTV 35% top up will bring it to approx 44%

Shameless bump!! Planning permission in progress and hoping there's no surprises when we apply for top up! Guy from UB couldn't really tell me anything!
Hoping to apply for top up of ~30k in next 6months for home improvement.

With UB winding down will there be any issue with top up? Or would I be better off breaking out of fixed rate and switching banks?
Hoping to apply for top up of ~30k in next 6months for home improvement.

With UB winding down will there be any issue with top up? Or would I be better off breaking out of fixed rate and switching banks?
As of now, there shouldn't be an issue. But 6 months might change things.