U.K. Far better for savings

One can only be jealous of the ISA set up in the UK. The UK government is encouraging saving, unlike the Irish government.
Agree that an ISA type wrapper is much needed here. However the UK ISA is far too generous, basically a bribe to wealthy middle aged and older voters. €5k or so limit p.a. much more sensible
able to save 15K approx per annum in tax free wrapper ! nirvana! ( 20k from 2017)
I have moved to Australia and savings interest rates are much better. I get 3.5% interest before tax in an instant access account. The card I get with the account entitles me to 2% back on all transactions 100 dollars or less, and also there are no atm fees at any ATM. It's amazing. The banking apps are also so slick and convenient