TV near Stove on wall


Registered User
I would like to put the TV on a wall beside a stove. There is little space to keep it away from the
stove. It is the only space that the TV will be at the best position in the room.

Is there anyway I could give some protection to the TV by installing something type of attractive or discrete sheeting beside the TV. It will be about 12" from the stove which emits quite a bit of heat which is distributed by a small fan.
Many thanks Browtal
You'd need to install a shelf /surround that extended out further than the TV to block excessive heat and force convection currents away. But even then, being in such a hot location will considerably shorten the life of the TV.

You can now purchase a heat shield for these stoves and install it immediately above the stove, some of these shields connect directly to the stove so it saves on drilling walls etc. this should dissipate enough heat away from the TV. However, ideally, your TV should be mounted in a different location from the stove.
Iv TV over our solid fuel stove, used only on harsh weekends over winter...lifespan TV about two winters, we just buy cheapest 32inch we can find and justify the cost of it to the space we'v gained all year..the tiniest bit of heat damages the pixel quality overall as bits highlights and one got lines through it that could disappear if repeatly turned on and off...
just to say we have our tv over fireplace with insert stove over 5 years with no problems up to now... will let you know if tv goes pop tho
Our stove is full stove so more heat in circulation, the insert is tighter to the wall so probably under a mantlepiece which would offer insert was recommended to us as we'd TV up before stove.