Motor Turning into an entrance when the car two back rear ended the car behind. What to do?


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I was driving home from a shopping trip today and took a wrong turn at the roundabout. I saw a road on my right hand side, maybe 50yards down the road, (entrance to a house), turned on my indicator and came to a halt.

I was just crossing into the entrance of the house to turn around and a car rear ended another, I was to my knowledge not involved in the crash at all no car touched my car (the car behind was only damaged from behind) The car behind me had come to a halt, Now the guards rang me this eve saying I could be sued!

I'm a bit shook, to say the least but I don't understand how I'm involved.

Anyone offer any advice would be appreciated.

Also should I inform my insurance company?

I'd inform the insurance company just in case but clearly deny all involvement or liability.

I cannot see how you can be blamed, the 3rd car failed to maintain an adequate braking distance or failed to anticipate a stationery car in front. They are completely liable.
Thanks for your reply Romulan, I tried to ring the insurance company and they told me to ring them tomorrow during business hours for advice and I am also going to go into my local garda station (where they know me) for advice.
... Now the guards rang me this eve saying I could be sued! ...
If that is what the Guard said on the phone, then s//he had no business doing so. A suit is a civil matter and the Gardai have no role to play, no opinion to offer and no business phoning you, unless you are a witness in their potential prosecution and it sounds like you are not.

1.First of all i cant see how you are fault.
2.That gaurd was in the wrong in ringing you.

This is what i would do if you know what station this gaurd rang you from i would ring back and ask for his i.d number and i would then ask for his duty sargent and ask is this normal practice if not i would make a official complaint and also i would contact you solictor as you were not at fault and if this is proved then i would be seeking legal advice regarding the stress that this officer has caused you by not being more professional .
Also if you know anyone in the traffic corps thats who i would be asking also.

Thats my opinion
hold on a minute.

The garda told OP that she could be sued. She could. I could and we all could. That does not mean that the Garda is telling her that she is at fault or indeed has any liability at all.

By telling OP that she could be sued, Garda is simply putting her on notice that the other parties in the accident could blame her.

What if the car that was rearended says that O Pstopped suddenly without indicating or giving little indication of intention to turn. That would give some hope to the rearender that eh might not be fully at fault and he might decide to sue OP if he is in turn sued by the car he rearended.

IMHO, Garda was doing no wrong and simply advising OP of the vagaries of our legal system.