Turkey gone off?


Registered User
We have a holiday booked to Turkey, departing in about 4 weeks time.

Needless to say, the spate of targeting tourist resorts with bomb attacks is causing me just a little concern.

What do ye all reckon? Has Turkey gone off the menu as regards a quiet, peaceful & safe location to spend a holiday?
As long as anyone wants " the sweetest of the sweet crudes " -that's what oil men call the stuff from Kurdistan - without willing to share with the locals - YES . Ask our gas pipeline protestors for further explanations .
When has Turkey been a " quiet , peaceful & safe location " ? That was before Noah landed on Ararat I supose .
Just back from two weeks there near Gumusluck. Peaceful, quite and safe. No problems at all.

I guess like any other country you care to visit it all depends on where you go. I have been visiting the western end of the Bodrum peninsula for 10 years now and have never experiencied anything but the warmest hospitality. The Turks I met are distraught about the bombings as I'm sure we would be if they happened in our back yard.

Go to Turkey, enjoy it!
It did happen in our back yard. We've had our fair share of bombings on this island and it did scare off some tourists. I remember talking to some people in France in the 1980s and they thought I'd be under sniper attack as soon as I got off the plane in Dublin...