Trophy Points


Registered User
Just wondering what's the point in trophy points? Even regular posters and all-round helpful members e.g. , CiaranT, , Gordon Gekko, Bronte et al appear to have no trophy points. I can appreciate stats like Member Since; No. Messages; Likes Received but Trophy Points? Maybe decade member was born would be more helpful - otherwise how can I donate trophy points to the best financially informative member?
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Frequent Poster
Member Since: Nov 21, 2008
Messages: 2,819
Likes Received: 90
Trophy Points: 0
PaddyBloggit was last seen: 33 minutes ago
It's a standard feature of the XenForo software, it allows forums to award varying amounts of points for achieving certain targets such as number of posts, number of likes. It's just not an option we have implemented here.