Transferring Nhs pension to HSE pension


Registered User
Came up in discussion at work today, one person sure that NHs years can now be transferred to my HSE pension under new laws from july 2011.

Not heard a thing about this but would be of great benefit as have quite a few years in the UK.Stated it was mentioned in canadian life handbook.

anybody know anything or has successfully transferred ?
I think what was referred to was in relation to qualifying for a State pension. Your contributions to National Insurance in UK can be combined with your PRSI contributions here for the purposes of qualifying for a State Pension.
AVC companies have started saying this like you can convert/transfer one year from NHS to one year in HSE. Its very missleading.

Doesnt work like this.

What they really mean is you can cash in your NHS pension and use it to buy notional service in the HSE.

What you could do is ask the NHS what you would get from them in a refund and then ask the HSE what that would get you in notional service.
Ha thanks for that, l thought something like that may be the case or else it would have been flagged ,still it gives a little hope if not a lot of mucking about to get there.