Transferring house to ex following divorce


Registered User
I was divorced 10 years was in our joint names and I agreed to transfer sole ownership to my ex as part of divorce. The divorce directed me to transfer ownership. But I never did anything about it so I assume house is still in joint names.
My ex is now talking about investigating whole house title situation.
I dont mind what she does but I am wondering is it up to me to transfer and is this going to cost me a lot of money in conveyancing costs? Or is it something I can do myself? Or indeed can she do it as divorce provides for it? I am just trying to ensure this doesn't cost me (much) money.
It looks like she has more to lose as she will need your consent if she wants to sell. Just tell her you will sign it over but I'd get a solicitor just in case. Ask for a price first though. She will definitely employ one.
I don't mind transferring title at all but I'm hoping I can do so without it costing me anything tbh. Why should I pay to give away a house I bought