Toyota Corolla alarm


Registered User
The lights were left on in my 95 toyota corolla yesterday. When i went to start the car the alarm went off and the car wouldn't start. when i tried to jump start the car it wouldn't start and the alarm just kept going off. anyone any ideas how to fix this. there is something just inside the door which seems to take a three pin key or something but the car was bought second hand and this key was not supplied.
not sure about this KS1 - did you try a new battery. My kids got into the car onetime and drained the battery with all their messing.
The 3-pin slot is the alarm shutoff switch.

You need this to be able to deactivate your alarm.

Unfortunately you'll need to sontact the supplier or seller to ge this to shut the alarm off.
had to get the car towed to the garage, the alarm disconnected and a new battery fitted. using the car as the batmobile is no longer allowed