'Total Pay' for Tax vs. for USC purposes


Registered User

Is there any way that the 'Total Pay' for tax purposes could be the same as the 'Total Pay' for USC purposes when the employee is contributing to a pension?
I was reviewing a Form11 filing for a friend as she has never filed before and I noticed that for the 'Total Pay' field she had entered her Gross Pay including her pension contribs which I assumed was a mistake on her part. When she showed me her P45 though the Total Pay for PAYE and USC showed the same figure despite her making monthly pension contributions. Can this be correct? I am used to looking at P60s rather than P45s but I cant think of any reason why it should be different. Does anyone know if pension contribs are taxed differently the year you are made redundant? If not then I guess it must be a mistake in the P45?


Is it employer contributions by any chance?

I dont see how it could be, it is actually listed in the 'Allowable Deductions' column of her main payslip, on a subsequent breakdown there are 3 columns:
(EE),(ER) and (AVC) the values in question are all entries in the (EE) column.
Comparing to my own payslip, I see my employer's contributions are not listed at all which I would have thought was the normal case.