Time to receive VAT number


Registered User
How long does it normally take once the forms are sent to actually receive a VAT number??

Re: Time to receive VAT number!!

Your vat no. is your rsi number

Usually, but you still have to wait for confirmation from revenue that it has been registered as a vat number. this could take up to a month.
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Re: Time to receive VAT number!!

You should call the VAT office and ask. They may be able to give you the number over the phone.
If you have set up a ltd co, then your VAT no. is not your rsi no. I had to wait about 4 weeks for company VAT no., eventually got it by calling them up and explaining to the lady that I needed it in a rush to process an order from UK (because when you are vat registered and buy from UK, they will not charge you the 17.5% uk vat if you furnish them with your irish vat no.). she put me on hold and then told me to get a pen! got the impression they can do it quickly if needs be, but be pleasant and friendly!
Yep, it's your RSI number with 'IE' before it, same for me as a sole trader. I rang them a few days after the paperwork went in just to confirm, but it does generally take about 3 weeks to get confirmation by post. Mine did anyway.
Oh my god three weeks would be great come to the dublin Meath area. For some reason you could be waiting 6-8 weeks. Its rediculous