Timber eating pooch!


Registered User
Hey folks, my family has three dogs. A year old female rottweiler that sleeps indoors and two bullmastiffs (male is 7 months,female is 5 months) both of whom sleep outdoors at night in a pen with a large kennel. Our problem is the outdoor dogs have taken to eating the kennel!!. Between them they have digested the entire roof(felt) and almost half the door!. This morning one of the pups passed a large piece of timber which had blood on it(we don't know which dog as it happened in the night and neither dog is displaying signs of illness).

We have put toys in the kennel to counteract boredom. We feed 'Royal Canin' dry nuts,a high quality and expensive(!!) feed for dogs. Just wondered if anyone can offer advice or has had a similar problem? It is quite distressing as we do not want our pets to have internal damage.
have you tried Kongs - hollowed out toys that you can put some treats / regular food into (google them & you'll find lots of ideas - or use the royal canin)

you can also get bitter spray to spray on the kennel to stop them chewing it (mind you some dogs end up liking the taste of ti)

chewing can be down to boredom - are they getting enough exercise & stimulation?

are they teething? that could be it either

I'd take them both to the vets for a quick check up after finding the blood to ensure there's no permanent damage

personally I'd crate them in the house so that they'd only have access to their bedding & toys while no one is there to supervise....