Things that annoy you

Petrol stations with no air pump. What the hell is that about? It doesn't turn a profit, so let's not bother replacing it when it's stolen, fixing it when it gets broken, or even installing one in the first place...?

You can choose from a full range of wines and assorted beverages, six different kinds of flavoured coffee, order hot food, fresh flowers, peruse a selection of magazines and newspapers, buy lottery tickets, or sample an impressive array of wildly overpriced groceries and household sundries.

But you want air for your tyres? Nah, sorry, we don't 'do' motoring needs. We're a garage. Moreover, and once you've queued up behind a line of paying customers, of course, we've instructed our highly-trained staff to stare blankly when you enquire about it, as though it were the seventh secret of Fatima you'd asked for, and then mumble some lie about it 'not working at the moment', although in reality we never even had one in the first place.

Ah yes, it's been one of those days!
we've instructed our highly-trained staff to stare blankly when you enquire about it, as though it were the seventh secret of Fatima you'd asked for

The woman ahead of me in the queue to pay at Dundrum Tesco petrol station asked the assistant how to get to M50 and got a blank stare. I coundn't believe it.
Roundabouts with traffic lights at the exits. Which bright spark thought that would be good idea? In many cases, you can't see across the roundabout due to its height or whatever is on it and suddenly you end up in a queue and have no choice but to stop on the roundabout. There is generally only room for two or three cars between the lights and the roundabout. I was rear-ended last year by somebody who was driving too fast and didn't see that the traffic was stopped across the roundabout. Just doesn't make sense and surely isn't a safe place to have a pedestrian crossing.
Nail on the head with the so called "Service Stations" where you can't get a drop of oil/coolant bulbs or anything remotley auto related but you can do your weekly shopping / dining out all in one go.
That sodding umbrella song - when will they stop playing it?

re garages - idiots who park their cars on front of one pump - or even two pumps as I witnessed this morning, and aren't even putting petrol into their car - just running in to get a coffee!
ppl who rite using txt spk !!!!!!! Learn to spell you muppet !!

Also, the management verbal diarrhoea that we have to put up with.
You all know what I mean....
When it comes to management clichés, like, [broken link removed], I've been there, done that, got the tee-shirt...
Petrol stations with no air pump. What the hell is that about? It doesn't turn a profit, so let's not bother replacing it when it's stolen, fixing it when it gets broken, or even installing one in the first place...?

You might be saddened to hear that there has been talk of late about charging a fee for using the air pump c.15/30 cent a go! Reason being the nozzles are quite expensive! this is not a joke unfortunately
Drips on the toilet seat! Why don't they aim right or wipe before they leave?
Shop assistants chatting to one another whilst you are trying to order something from behind the counter
People who bring trollies in through the clothes area in Dunnes.. and you can't browse as they block the whole place up!
You might be saddened to hear that there has been talk of late about charging a fee for using the air pump c.15/30 cent a go! Reason being the nozzles are quite expensive! this is not a joke unfortunately
Running a compressor is quite expensive.
The irish language, ever since it was drummed in to me at school. What a waste of time, money and damage to the environment to see it on so many government leaflets, publications etc....where nobody ever reads it.
While on the subject of toilets . . . .people who need to go into the stall next to yours even though there is no one else in the loos.

Are garages legally supposed to provide an air pump? I can't help thinking that none of them would provide it unless they had to especially if it costs them to run it.
In the good old days garages always had a free air pump.
In Scotland they brought in a 10pence meter on them a few years ago, mainly to stop kids messing with them & also to cover the cost of running the compressor, replacement parts etc.
Have to say I'm surprised that hasn't arrived here yet. Annoying as it is, I'd rather pay the 10p & get air when I need it than find a free, but broken one. Assuming of course that the 10p one is regularly serviced......

10p charge in Scotland would probably be more like €1 in Ireland these days.