Thermia ground source heat pumps


Registered User
Hi Folks
has anybody any experience they could share with Thermia Ground source heat pumps. after much research, the recommended supplier seems to be NIBE. however i do have a very keen offer for a thermia system. advise appreciated.
Read the thread below entitled "heat pump for heating water", a poster called dj01 has a thermia heat pump (air to water ). In addition I visited a house with a thermia air to water heat pump & the couple were very satisfied with its operation. I would imagine that the thermia ground source heat pump would be equally efficient. Having said that from my own experience I would recommend that you go back to the supplier of the heat pump, find out if they installed any locally & ask them to arrange contact between you & someone who has their system. People trying to sell you stuff can be eh a bit flexible with figures regarding efficiency etc, you cant beat first hand information from someone who has no real interest in what you spend your money on.