The Motley Fool....Good or Bad??



I was recently on the motley fool website and noticing that they offer a subscription service for advise on stocks, everything I have found out so far about them seems to be positive. Has anyone had any dealings with them or do they perhaps know something that I don't.........Thanks
They produce a lot of 'noise'. I certainly wouldn't base my stock picks on their recommendations although would use it to put stocks on my radar if you know what you mean.

Definitly do your homework on a stock and DON'T take their word for it.
Remember, it's like any analyst's recommendation, you are not privvy to some secret here, there are thousands and thousands of other people who have seen this info and may act on it. Thus the mere act of them recommending a stock can push it's price up by all their readers buying in kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

The motely fool is a decent enough site and worth keeping in touch on. Just remember the due diligence on your end.

Of note, remember this is the same crowd that came up with the daft 'Foolish four' stock picking system.

In short. Motley fool is worth a look but back anything you take from them up with your own research.
Many Thanks Silvamuppet.........will take your comments on board