The missed cohort

Well, I think it's difficult to maintain that there was a lack of transparency if the reversionary rate was clear on the face of the offer. Accordingly, I don't see any particular reason why your mortgage would have been included in the review.

"If the reversionary rate was clear on the face of the offer"
It's not clear!!
Premature to state "I don't see any particular reason why your mortgage would have been included in the review"
How do you know that? Have you seen the offer letter?

This is going off topic, the question is do people think the broke the cpc in the way they presented the third offer. Just looking for a range of views points.
This is going off topic, the question is do people think the broke the cpc in the way they presented the third offer.
I don't think it is Todo.

The suggestion is that there was a breach of the CPC due to a lack of transparency regarding the reversionary rate. If the reversionary rate was clear on the face of the offer then it is difficult to maintain that there was any lack of transparency.

It probably goes without saying that only the Central Bank can decide whether or not there has been a breach of the CPC in any instance.
Guys, I’f the most recent offer letter you signed and drew down on does not offer a tracker on expiry of the fixed rate I’d forget about it.

Fair point. The only difference between the third offer and the other two offers is that offer 3 was missing the special condition on page 2.

As always the devil is in the detail, but I do think the bank was wrong not to point out such a big change over the previous two offers.
Up to you to have checked what you signed.

Most people here had the t&c’s of the offer letter they drew down on changed.

I don’t think you have any case unless the offer you drew down on mentioned a tracker.

I ageee!