The Magic Formula


Registered User
There is this lady who I work with, She works 2 days one week and three the next, she has 3 children. she is always telling how it wouldn't be worth her while working over her hours,"because the taxman will get me" she says. My wife works full time, as do I. We have two kids.

My question is this, How do i stop the taxman from getting her? is there a magic formula for working out how many hours she should work a week before she just working for the taxman?
My question is this, How do i stop the taxman from getting her? is there a magic formula for working out how many hours she should work a week before she just working for the taxman?

You are never just working for the Tax Man, in this country anyway!

She can earn up to €289 a week before she starts paying any tax.
Just remember, that even though the tax man gets you - when you work for longer, you do in fact take home more pay!!!!

You just have to decide if you consider your net pay worth the hours you put in.