The Last Post

Sarah W

Registered User
Well folks this is my last day of posting with my REA hat on. After 12 years in Ireland - and all bar the first 18 months working for REA - I'm finishing up tomorrow and heading to Portugal in a couple of weeks to relax and enjoy my dog's old age!

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have met Richard Eberle in 1996 when REA first came into being and to have been involved in the growth and development of the company to it's present size of 40 employees, six branches (and growing) and over €350 million in completed mortgages in 2006. The firm's ethos of honest, professional, transparent advice, value for money and dedication to the highest standards of customer service sets it apart in an industry which, in my opinion, does not always cover itself in glory. Most of the staff at REA have been there for over five years which is almost unheard of in financial services and they are all totally committed to the company (it's rather like Hotel California - 'you can check out any time you like but you can never leave'!).

Anyway, that's my news other than to say if anyone is looking for a low mileage, top spec '02 CLK 240 please PM me - it's gotta go and soon!


P.S. Mods - I know this is probably the wrong forum but "Mortgages..." has been my home for so long I would feel rather strange posting anywhere else!
Best of luck have been very helpful in answering mortgage questions in an open and honest matter without pushing your company as the only route so best of luck in this new phase of your life.
Sarah, best of luck. Thanks for all the informative postings on the topic!
Best of luck Sarah. No doubt we'll be seeing you, with another hat on, in the not too distant future!
Well I hope you enjoy yourself.........
You can connect to the internet over in Portugal you know.........if you ever want to log into AAM from over there, I'm sure there will be plenty of grateful posters.....
Looks like you are keeping the door open there Sarah... saying that it's your last day posting with your REA hat on..... I hope you continue to post with your Rea hat off.

Thanks & best of luck in Portugal...... plese leave your forwardign address so that we can drop in for tea & currenty scones sometime


Moi? Post without hat, gloves and matching handbag? Quick, pass me the smelling salts!

You're right though, this place is far too addictive to give up! I'll be checking in over the next couple of weeks if I can find the keyboard amongst the boxes and bubblewrap and my new landlords in Tabua (about a hour inland, roughly half way between Lisbon and Porto) have kindly installed broadband so I'll only have 3/4 days on the road without my 'fix'...
I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have met Richard Eberle in 1996 when REA first came into being and ...
He obviously hasn't given you your reference yet so?

Bet of luck in your future career. Obrigado.

Take care Sarah, thanks for all the advice to the members of AAM.
my new landlords in Tabua (about a hour inland, roughly half way between Lisbon and Porto)

They say they don't ring a bell at the top, but I can't help a little smile at the thought of Sarah (who has come across as nothing but impeccably honest & level-headed) leaving the Irish Real Estate business to become a renter

Best of Luck Sarah, and good luck with the language, it's tough!
Best of luck. I'm pretty new around here but I've appreciated your words of advice.

Enjoy Portugal.
Good luck in Portugal Sarah...your posts have always been objective and helpful. Enjoy the sunshine!
Hi Sarah,

All the very best and thanks for all the help on AAM.

Good luck in your future career.

Don't be a stranger !

Havealaugh (in Portugal! )