The Difficult task of Public Service reform.

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We are funded by loans until the end of 2013 ,these loans all have to be paid back , loans are loans !
We will need to source our funds in 2013 for 2014 if we dont close the deficit , so what ? We borrow more billions to keep those people still living in a bubble in this country at the expense of our kids / grandkids future.That really sounds like a plan . Not !
If Spain needs a bailout there wont be enough money in Europe to lend to us anyway , We should take control of our own future by cutting our deficit ASAP and that starts with bloated wages and pensions being paid by our government to state workers and over generous welfare .

Is Féidir Linn
I'm living and earning and supporting my family in the real economy and not the bubble economy you live in. Well your wake up call is a coming .....
I'm living and earning and supporting my family in the real economy and not the bubble economy you live in. Well your wake up call is a coming .....

Seriously??? So the discussion has been downgraded to comments like this. And before you ask I too work in the 'real' economy whatever that is.
Currently the Croke Park Agreement , whether people like it or not , is the only game in town tasked with reforming the Public Sector & with making savings & all reports to date have indicated that substantial progress has been made - the IMF seem quite content to give the Agreement every chance particularly as the Government must have surely informed them of the putative industrial Armageddon that may follow breaching the Agreement.
So I would say that we will borrow more & I would imagine that taxation both of a capital & income will increase.
It will also be extremely interesting to see what happens when the CPA expires in 2014 but I believe that it would be political suicide to walk away from same before 2014 - Labour in particular cannot surely countenance this scenario
The posts are getting persona and the discussion doesn't seem to be generating any light. Take a break folks.
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