The Christmas leftovers


How are you managing the leftovers?

Chocolates, cake, biscuits?

I tried to offload the uneaten cake and the unopened Christmas Pudding at a family party but they were returned in pristine condition.

Somehow I seem to have returned home with more chocolates and biscuits than I had originally.

It's difficult trying to start the new year on a healthy note. I have decided that the post Christmas regime will begin on the 13 January.

Hi Marion,

Happy New Year. I don't do leftovers anymore. I don't over buy and I don't over cook. I did all that in the past. 4 or 5 courses. Now, if I want good cheese and crackers and a glass of wine or a slice of christmas cake and tea, I have them instead of, not along with a big meal. I'm discovering moderation at long last!

Hi Ali

Many happy returns.

Wish I were as sensible.

I suspect I will bring the cake and the biscuits in to the staff room at work in February. Most people will be able to look at them again at that stage

The chocolates - well that's a different story. I think I will hold on to them.

We have enough cheese and biscuits, plum pudding, various other sweet treats to last us until the end of January. We still have unopened bottles of drink mixers and booze to see us past Easter. This is because we introduced the idea of "food hampers" some years ago as presents rather than gifts that are never worn or used.
On reflection I think that this idea will have to be reviewed because there is now the concern that items will go past their best before date. We never waste anything but find that we end up overeating for that very reason.
I am like ali. I just didn't buy that much, so we have no leftovers. Its great.
I have the following leftovers...

1 Christmas pudding - I make my own every year, we ate one and we will eat this other one throughout the coming months. I still have a small bit from Dec 2012 which should be fine with custard.

I have an unopened vintage premium bottle of port from Dec 2012.

I never got around to drinking the 4 litres of Bulmers bottles this Christmas. Might get around to it over the coming weekends.

I have a few toffee sweets left. The chocolate died a quick death.

I bought a turkey and ham for Christmas Day etc but made other arrangements and saved it for New Years Day. On Friday 3rd I made a pretty good turkey and ham pie thing with cream, potatoes, mushrooms, celery.

I have to say I didn't gorge myself too much or waste much either. I recall one Christmas Day from my twenties I ate my dinner at 1pm and woke up about 5pm on the sofa having missed all the craic.
Mostly biscuits and sweets left. Lots of wine that should keep. Looking longingly in to the garden to do something. Last year I built a patio and raised beds over the winter months, a bit every day. Enjoyed it over the summer. Looking at flight prices and waiting for them to drop back and trying to match up rental properties with flight times etc. Lots of holiday research. One or two small jobs needed to be done in attic and garage. I really need to look at what I am paying for TV, internet and phone. I am not keeping up with the new bundle offers. Maybe consider a satellite system this year as UPC costs for basic package now over €400.
Some good ideas here. There's a variation on the pudding ice cream that incorporates meringues that sounds tempting.