The Belfry - Citywest

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Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Durkans are actually ok. I have a duplex apt. in belfry. I was told a january completion and I did the 1st snag at end february. I don't know if its the same with 'block' apartments.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Hi Squeef,

No I was told April for Belfry Hall and its now looking more like end August. I have bought before and yes, this is normal to be delayed. You can't do anything...just sit back and wait..
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

JenC - It will be the end of August for Block D by the time first occupants can begin moving in as long as their snag is complete. The lifts & balconies are not fully complete so snagging will not start until they are.

I, on the other hand, bought in block C & the original date indicated was September. I knew it would run later than Spet, maybe Oct/Nov but now im wondering if 2006 is a long-shot? Although they are making good progress on C & B so November is lookin realistic ... I hope!!!
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Hi my friend bought a duplex in April with the affordable housing, was told her duplex would be ready in July and surprisingly it was ready on time!! She was actually hopping it would be delayed but she got her keys 2weeks ago!
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Samson26 - The development you are referring to (not Belfry Hall), under the S & A scheme, by nature (S&A) usually tends to be 80% constructed & simply requires final fit-out whereas BH was sold from plans via a marketing suite. So it's somewhat different with regards to completion.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Thanks for all your replies. I rand DNG today and the lady told me that the Ground floor is snagging first week in Aug, 1st floor in 2nd week Aug and Top floor in 3rd week Aug and once that is complete I should get the keys 2 weeks later!

Am thrilled to hear that - so fingers crossed it will happen that way (although I think the builders holidays are around then).

Anyways heres hoping.....
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

for those of you who are interested...passing by the block that will have the shops on the ground floor yesterday evening - the majority of the balconies appear to be in place now....
- think builders holidays start next week.. know one who's off on his 2 week trip this w/end
I would say an hour.

From belfry go south on the M50 off at dundrum and via goatstown to the M11 can pop out at various places.

Or head for tempelogue and work your that way. Hard to know which will be busier in sept when things get back to normal.

Mind you I am not talking from any experince here.
This website may be of interest to those of you who have bought in The Belfry

I have no connection.
Belfry has now been added to It can be accessed directly at It is more for neighbour to neighbour discussions.

Hi - Has anyone snagged in Block D of Belfry Hall...?
Heard some people had already !!

What are they like inside, is the finish good...Dying to hear off someone...!!

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