The Belfry - Citywest

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Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Its not people on a minimum wage that got the affordable housing, there were still qualifying factors that you needed and the bank aren't going to give just anybody a mortgage. The only difference with normal purchasers and affordable is the price of the house but as was said earlier the people on affordable housing have a claw back feature built into their contracts, I was talking to one girl and she has a 50% clawback in her deal as in if she gets the house for 100k but it is worth 200k (she has therefore got a 50% reduction)then sells it for 300k (simple numbers just to make it easy) she has to pay back 50% of the 300k (ie 150k) not just 50% of the profit she made, then she has to pay off her mortgage so she would be only left with a little profit for herself.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Guys, this is not the thread to continue the social and affordable housing discussion.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I'll repeat myself-this thread is about the Belfry in Citywest.

I've unapproved two recent posts that had nothing to do with this.

If people want to rant, or express other opinions, do it elsewhere.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Anyone know when people are going to Start moving into the Belfry Hall, they seem to be taking forever to complete them
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Completion dates are likely to be:

Block D - July/August 2006
Block C - October/November 2006
Block B - October/November 2006
Block A - 1st qtr 2007

These dates are based on a realistic timeframe considering the services yet to be completed.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Rang Laragan Homes last week and Block D should be ready for snagging between 3rd & 10th July....fingers x

At last!
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I'm living in the main belfry estate and just wondering if anybody knows is there going to be any shops on the ground floor of any of the belfry hall blocks?
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Yes Griz Shops are located in block D. If you pop your head over the fencing you can see the shop windows etc..
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Im in the Belfry too..... Where exactly is Block D?? Is that the block on the Blessington Road side?? It would be dead handy having a shop nearby!

Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Is anyone living near Belfry Square?? The park in the middle of it seems to now be full of half dead tree's and weeds. Is there any grand plan for this area?
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

i presume they're going to grass that area though haven't seen any change in the last few weeks since they've done the roads
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Hi There,

I'm on the Belfry Squre too - and I can't wait to see the green area finally finished! I can't understand why no work at all has been done on the landscaping since the few trees were planted months ago. Of course the tar mac was finsihed, but when I was speaking to the foreman months ago he mentioned that the plans were to plan approx 72 trees in the green... so far we have about 12! Fingers crossed they get the finger out and finish it soon.
I'm surprised to hear we're going to have shops in the Belfry Hall - that's a big bonus!
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I noted recently in Belfry Hall (Block D) that some work has yet to be completed. Internal & External Scaffold yet to be removed & only when paintaing & plastering is complete, which it doesn't seem to be. Also, the lift installation is not yet complete either. So, anyone who bought in Block D i'm afraid that snagging next week will not happen. Nor the week after. I think the the 17 or 24th (builders Holidays) is a more realistic date to commence your sang. The builders return 2nd week in August & complete snags 2 weeks thereafter. Hence, final signing will most likely be from 21st August onwards.

Not trying to be devils advocate, just being honest with all you waiting for something to happen this month.

I bought in Block C & hoping that completion happens by November 2006, but i'm not holding my breath, needless to say.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Has anyone heard from Laragan re:
  1. Snag & Completion date
  2. Appliances voucher
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

don't know bout Laragan but I was with Durkan and we only received our appliances voucher on closing
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

No I have heard nothing either, bar calling them myself. The voucher is with a company called Stapleton Electrical in Galway. I called them myself and spoke to someone who said they were currently working on a package for all the applicable purchasers. Again I have heard nothing from Laragan myself about this...

Rant: On not hearing from them, I think its so bad that after 1 year and 4-5 months of putting my deposit down, there has been no communication. After all remember, they have a whopping load of our deposit cash sitting in their bank acc earning intrest over all this time. Its has been the longest build of an apartment block I have ever seen.

Anyhow no point moaning as it won't change anything..just have to wait and see what happens..According to Laragan, yes the same laragan who told me I would be snagging this week!! they will be contacting people over the coming weeks with regard to all this..

: )
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Are you worried about the balconies guys. It looks like they have been added as an afterthought - not built into the building. They are freestanding and metal - attached to the wall. If someone was on the one above yours I'm sure they'd be able to shake the whole thing no problem - as all the balconies below are the same structure. And I think they look really bad. Very dissappointed
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice


The balconies on Belfry Hall Block D are not added on, there is a concrete mantle built on them jotting out. The joinery and glass has yet to be done.

Are you sure you're not confusing with the development nearer the main blessington road as you turn into Citywest Rd??
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Hi all, I am new to this forum and have just been reading back on the comments made. I purchased an apartment in the Belfry Manor in April (part of the affordable housing scheme - I have a good job and from a good area but just couldnt afford todays prices on my own) and was told they would be ready in August. The apartment I bought is by Durkan homes. I rang DNG and they told me it would be Sept before they were ready, friends I have spoken to have told me not to trust builders and to add on 3/4 months to that date. So now I am worried as I have no idea when they will be ready - does anyone else have an idea?

Also I am confused - the Belfry Manor are the apartments by the N81/Blessington road - where is Belfry Hall?
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

belfry hall is on the right hand side as you come into the main belfry estate through the entrance off the citywest rd...
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