The Belfry - Citywest

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Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

corco2000 said:
Does anybody know how long it would take to get to Donnybrook for 9.00am each morning from the Belfry?Whats the best way to go?Thanks.

u won't be using the luas when it comes anyway...journey time will be 1 hour into the city centre alone (currently 48mins from Tallaght). I think the luas is overrated. Would would be quicker commuting from Sallins Co. Kildare (a little over 30mins Heuston) and getting the luas from there. Over time Heuston and Connolly will be directly connected anyway. On the other hand Clonsilla is just as far out but has a 30min commute to city centre on the train...and another 20 to get to landsdowne road
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Thank Badabing I meant to say 'by car', how long do u think it would take.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I would take to Tallaght by-pass thru real way of avoiding traffic afaik...
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Hi Corco

You would need an hour @ most to get to Donnybrook. My advise would be to head towards Rathfarnham:

-Down Tallaght By-Pass
-Off right @ Templeogue Bridge
-Left towards the Orchard pub in Rathfarnham
-Straight down past Rathfarnham SC, take left
-Right @ lights and go along the Bushy Park Road
-Straight up towards Chruchtown
-Take turn left for Miltown @ main junction in Churchtown after the Texaco Garage
-When you come to the very end (Boxter pub on left) take a Right.
-Under the luas bridge up the hill toward St Annes School
-Straight over the Clonskeagh Road which will eventually bring you out facing Wesley Rugby Club.

There are a couple of other short cuts along that route but that would be the main way. I would be confident you would make it in 45-60 mins.

Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Im getting worried reading this thread.I live in Belfry park.Have had zero probs since april last year but am not happy with the road open to jobstown at all.All you can hear are screeching tyres from joyriders at night and the "ramps" they put down are a joke..they wouldnt slow down a pushbike.Any other belfry residents here?
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Yea I really do hope that entrance is closed off, though I hear it's a good 'short cut' in the mornings.Is it not up to all the residence to get onto management co. and tell them they want this closed thats if the majority actually do want it?
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Corco I agree but how do we know thats what the majority wants?I for one dont even know my next door neighbours let alone what they think about the new road.There should be a residents association or something I reckon
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I don't know if they will close a road unless good reason can be given. Its all about traffic management and finance at the end of the day.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice


I live in the Belfry too, Belfry Gardens. Just to reply to the comment The Bride made, there is a residents committe. At the first AGM the management company asked for some volunteers. I am on the residents committee. They needed a selection from each house type, apt, duplexes and houses. Its very hard to get anything done, as the estate isn't finished yet and not fully handed over.

As for the road opening, at first I was annoyed about it, but it cuts 10 - 15 mins off my journey to work each morning. I have also asked the management company to ask the builders to put ramps on Belfry Rise too as some drivers tear down that road. There have been a few "incidents" with joyriders - but if you ask me, that just comes with the location. We are here 18 months now, and at the beginning there was alot of cars stolen, and garage break ins but it seems to have quietened down a bit. The guards regulary patrol the area, which is a good thing if you ask me!

If buying in a new estate, people need to take extra procautions, like ensuring you have a house alarm, and decent crook locks on your car. They are mainly kids robbing the cars, so if there is a crook lock, they won't bother!

As for the affordable housing, I think it's just in that big block of apartments at the corner of the N81 and Citywest Road. Therefore, if you bought in Belfry Hall, chances are there is no afforable housing as its considered a different development. They are very cute like that.

Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

The affordable housing is actually spaced out throughout the whole development it is not all in one area as previously mentioned in this forum.
I was out there a couple of weeks ago when the affordable houses were being launched and received the price guide which had all the addresses of the houses and believe me they are widely spread including 54 apartments in the Belfry Hall!

BTW what is wrong with affordable or social housing being part of any scheme? I personally have a private house and do not begrudge anybody from having a helping hand especially with house purchases given the price they are at the moment.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

S, are you sure about 54 apts in Belfry Hall? Because the estate agent advertised the fact that there was NO social housing in this development.I wonder where that leaves them now? If its true thats gota be an intereting one?
How many house in total in Belfry are social housing? And in Belfry Hall a break down of how many in each block would be great, if u could do that.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Can I just ask why you have an issue with there being affordable housing here? I have all the house numbers but I don't feel that it would be a good thing to post them here given what appears to be a negative outlook by some people, but just be assured that they are not just in one block buy spaced about throughout the development
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I don't see the problem with affordable housing and its occupants, they are paying a smaller mortgage alright, but its still large enough, and unlike other mortgage payers they have the clawback on any profits if they sell. What kind of people are you expecting?
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

No, don't post which units have been allocated to S&A housing here please.

Everyone is entitled to their own views on the amount of S&A housing in a development.

Please keep opinions on this issue off AAM if possible. I don't want to see threads turning into debates/rants on the issue.

One observation I will make is this-if you have already bought in any development, it is a bit late to be worrying about factors outside your control.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I never had any intention of posting the addresses as I believe everyone is entitled to their own privacy! As regards to the Belfry I think it is a lovley estate and was told that the value of the houses have already jumped by 20k so worth the investment
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I think people may also be getting confused between social and affordable housing, which are very different things (as also discussed in other threads on AAM).
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I'd imagine thats the problem alright.
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

I only really wanted to know if the 54 allocated was spread out which it seems is...I don't have a problem with affordable housing..what I do have a problem with is the fact that the agent advertised the fact that it did NOT have affordable or social if ''and u have the extra benefit of no....etc''. It seems misleading. And yes it is too late...well maybe there could be a cause to argue if u did want to pull out now as there word seems to have been broken.
I think the price of property in Belfry has gone up by more than 20k since launched...a 2bed first sold for 200k now on same apt for 295K!!!
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

Ah you see my friend only recently purchased a house but she actually paid nearly 335k for a duplex and it is now valued at €360k

I think it is just funny that the issue of affordable housing would influence someones decision to purchase a house as this wouldn't even come into my head!
Re: The Belfry - Citywest - Guards advice

mmm well to be honest Im gona find it hard to pay the management fee each year on a decent enough wage what will happen to people who are on minimum wages who can't afford it. This will surely have an over all effect on the development?Do you think. Just one issue I think might happen.
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