Tesco Shopping, Locked out of my account again and again


Registered User
Anyone else having this problem, being told you have the wrong password when you know
for certain you have the right one, might be grand for a few weeks (every week) then good luck.
Is there a conflict between your account for online orders and clubcard account (which can also have online profile) ?

I had trouble until I aligned the accounts and passwords. Sometimes the login directs you to the clubcard login, sometimes to the online order login.
Anyone else having this problem, being told you have the wrong password when you know
for certain you have the right one, might be grand for a few weeks (every week) then good luck.
What happens if you reset the password even if you know for certain that you're using the correct one?
What browser are you using? If using Firefox try Chrome and vise versa I had similar problems with the Tesco site(and some random others) on Firefox and using Chrome for it resolved them for me.

I've been having numerous problems with the Tesco app, going back well over a year. It's even unreliable, when it comes to being unreliable!

Irregular, but common, problems include :

- failed log in

- basket fails to update, when you add items

- post log in, username appears as "nul nul", basket updates, but subsequently doesn't remember items added, when I go to order delivery.

All, in all, its a dreadful app and a disgraceful offering, from a large international retailer.

The staff are well aware that it's faulty, and openly acknowledge it on phone conversations, when you contact the Irish Customer Service Team.

With Dunes now doing online orders and deliveries, and even giving the €10 vouchers - Tesco are losing my custom....
I am unable to log into my Tesco account because I registered with an old eircom email which is no longer active and I can't remember my password (my saved password doesn't work, so is probably incorrect).
I can't get the link to reset the password, and can't change my email address until I can log in. Customer services can't make any changes for me either.
It appears my only option is to get a new clubcard and register with the new number.
To be fair, this one isn't really Tesco's fault.
When an email address is being decommissioned it's the responsibility of the owner to update accounts that use it in advance of it ceasing to work.
And it's good that Tesco can't make such changes to users' accounts.
Same - I was locked out for 2 years! Over and back to Tesco customer service. Password and account issues. Eventually got sorted and I'm back in - spent 30 mins on the actual phone to them. Give them a call if you haven't already? They said lots were having account issues. I'm using the app and its great but missed out on 2 years of vouchers
Thanks guys, that about sums it up all right, had a feeling the blame was on their side all right.
I came back to it today and logged in with no problem, its terrible un-reliable though.

I'm using firefore which seems to be forever sending out updates which I take as a bad sign. Must switch to chrome
when this happens and see if that does the job.
I've used both Firefix and Chrome, and also the Tesco app - no real difference, none are reliable!

We've now got more choice, and with Dunnes doing the tenner off vouchers, and awarding their points, I recommend giving them a try!
What is Tesco up to with this 'so called' new website launch on the 15th february Should we hold our breath?
I had the same problem, locked out of my account since November. Something to do with me apparently having multiple clubcards that I didn't even know about. Rang them last week and got it fixed in 5 minutes. Excellent service in the end.