Tesco guarantee on pricing errors

Sounds like they are making it up as they go along. Now I know why the discourage you from using manned checkouts.
Does anyone have the fine print of the guarantee?
hi, i was also wondering about this and the pricing on tesco's online..
yesterday i ordered some groceries and recieved them this afternoon, 2 things were misspriced,1 had a difference of 5euro and the other over 2euro, i sent an email to the customer services as soon as i noticed..
today the offers are still the same prices online, granted the cost may not have been put on my laser card yet and was wondering what tesco's do in cases of online orders and mispriceing
Can I tell you all how I was treated in Tesco;
I purchased an item the value was around 129 as this was what the sticker said on the shelf,it was on special offer and had been reduced .
When I looked at my recipt as I would usualy do ,just a quick check before I leave any shop ,i noticed that i had been charged the original price,so i went straight back in to customer services.There a woman called a manager and they had a discussion,I hadnt a clue what was going on and asked them to hurry up and make a decision as i had to go.they said something to checkout lady on customer services and she asked for my laser card.I asked her what was the situation as I was looking for the item at the price on the sticker or if not then I wanted a refund.
I was totaly shocked!!
I knew nothing of this refund/pricing error notice and never saw any sign.
I have an item valued at 150 or more and I got it FREE.
So in fairness it works and it worked really well in my case.
bet they took the sticker down quick smart! happened to my sister with a playstation game before marked as half price she got charge full price and ended up getting it free