teresa treacy - still in jail

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It's great too that Eigrid are so compassionate and accomodating after forcing the issue through the courts and putting her in a no win situation.
What should they have done? Abandoned altogether their plans to upgrade the power line? A national power grid does not build itself.
What should they have done? Abandoned altogether their plans to upgrade the power line? A national power grid does not build itself.

Maybe I'm not being clear in my posts, but what I'm trying to get across is that this isn't a black and white you're with one or the other side. I understand Eirgrid's needs. I understand why they couldn't (openly) give in to the compensation she wanted. I understand the nation's needs for new power lines. I understand why underground is not workable. I. Get. It.

I don't get why people can't put themselves in her shoes and see that sometimes you just want your land and property exactly as you made it. Yes it's selfish, but when it comes to me and my family and what we have, I get selfish too.

I don't get why Eirgrid had to wait nearly 2 weeks of her being in prison before they changed their offer. I don't see why they had to let it get that far.

Here's my deal then for progressing the grid and power lines. Open up to everyone in the country where they can opt in to having pylons and lines in their front or back garden. Would you opt in?
I don't get why people can't put themselves in her shoes and see that sometimes you just want your land and property exactly as you made it. Yes it's selfish, but when it comes to me and my family and what we have, I get selfish too.

This is why, in all developed economies, there are laws that restrict personal property rights for the common good.

Here's my deal then for progressing the grid and power lines. Open up to everyone in the country where they can opt in to having pylons and lines in their front or back garden. Would you opt in?

Funny you mention that. I have a power line directly crossing my garden and drive.
This is why, in all developed economies, there are laws that restrict personal property rights for the common good.

So just to be clear, even though I have acknowledged it is for a greater good, never said anything negative about the law as it stands, the condescention is because I sympathise with her and understand that people may feel upset when their land is aquired and spoilt, that they may take issue with it and that it's too easy to call NIMBYism when you're not the one affected?

Funny you mention that. I have a power line directly crossing my garden and drive.

With all due sincerity, kudos. I wouldn't, but if you had the choice would you have one?

Sorry, I condescended nobody, nor did I make any mention NIMBYism. I merely made a point in response to your comments, ie that personal property rights are restricted for the common good.

With all due sincerity, kudos. I wouldn't, but if you had the choice would you have one?

Well I built my house on a site where an existing power line crossed. We got independent scientific advice on safety etc before building and proceeded on that basis.
This is why, in all developed economies, there are laws that restrict personal property rights for the common good.

Funny you mention that. I have a power line directly crossing my garden and drive.

I would personally not like to have an overhead power line near my home if I had children living there, at least when they are undergorund the emf field is earthed.

British Medical Journal

News Item
[broken link removed]
Power Lines Linked To Child Cancer
Sky News has learned that the Government has known for three years that high voltage power lines double the risk of childhood cancer. A study for the Department of Health shows children living within 100m of overhead cables are more likely to suffer from leukaemia.


You pays your money and you makes your choices.
Sorry, I condescended nobody, nor did I make any mention NIMBYism. I merely made a point in response to your comments, ie that personal property rights are restricted for the common good.

That's fair enough, I had never contradicted those points, I'd even agreed with them in my posts, I merely said I sympathised with her and that the general (again didn't indicate you) negative reaction to her was in my opinion harsh and unjustified.

Well I built my house on a site where an existing power line crossed. We got independent scientific advice on safety etc before building and proceeded on that basis.

Couldn't agree more, I never mentioned safety, and I don't believe her concerns were safety either, but if we had a choice would we have a pylon? The reason for the compulsory legislation is because most people would object, so we need legislation to force it through. That doesn't mean people have to be happy having it on their land.

+1 werner. That is the crux of the issue here I think. It's not so much whether Ms Treacy was right or wrong, it's more that she was thrown in jail for standing up for her beliefs when so many others in this country haven't even been brought to court over much much worse deeds. I guess the problem boils down to who it is you are up against. If you are a corrupt politician then more often than not it is the people of the state you are against and sure they would never be organised enough to bring them to court. Whereas if it is a large organisation you are up against then you're most likely to end up in jail. So whilst I don't necessarily agree with the stance taken by Ms Treacy I most certainly have sympathy for her situation and I think it reflects poorly on Eirgrid that it got to this point.

Er, Liam Lawlor was jailed for contempt of court, just as way Ms Treacy.
Okay then, find me two examples of people who were found to be in contempt of court but not jailed until they purged their contempt.
Okay then, find me two examples of people who were found to be in contempt of court but not jailed until they purged their contempt.

I think you missed my point. I was pointing out that the little person against a big organisation is much more likely to be brought to court in the first place, compared to the likes of politicians (or lawyers, bankers, etc). Anyway I fear we're straying again from the original post.
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