Temporary Traffic Lights - Ban Them Now!



Does any one agree with me that Temporary Traffic Lights should be banned? At the very least a hefty tax should be levied on their use (say €100/hour). Even if they were to be allowed they should be a planning process where by road users could object on various grounds (ie safety, stupidity alternatives etc.).

It is not beyond the ability of road engineers to organise two narow lanes of slow moving traffic in order to reserve a third lane of road crews.

These lights are obviously not timed or sychronised in any sensible fashion. I have never come accoss these lights where the are in any way sensitive to the amount of traffic. 10 mile tail backs in one direction and none in the other. The seem to be hired at one-stop-hire shops and set up without and training or consideration.

Any one agree?
Have these lights any legal authority? I never stop at them if I can when the lights turn red but you always get someone who will.
I remember on the Greenhills road a few months back they had these temporary lights. I waited ages for a green light. When it finally turned green, I drove though, only to be met halfway, head on by a line of traffic coming the opposite direction! - pretty scarey.

Luckily I have a small car otherwise I'd probably still be there... (had to mount the pavement to escape)

Were you (and at least 10 others) behind me yesterday?

Marion :hat

Rainyday, I'm sorry ... really. I'll make amends. Just tell me how.
I'm starting to feel like the crusty oul parish priest from a 1950's Ireland! You're forgiven, my child - once you took no pleasure from it.
TTL's - Temporary Traffic Lights - Ban Them Now!


Have these lights any legal authority?

They do, as Erik De Bruin (Michelle's Husband) found out to his cost in Waterford recently. Some one reported him to the confidential line and he was fined for passing out a short line of traffic and breaking the temporary lights.

I dont have much sympathy for Erik DeBruin (what he did was dangerous and stupid). But there are plenty of examples of stupid and biizzare temporary lights around the country.

Perhaps they serve a purpose and a blanket ban might be too much. Should we consider some fairly heavy handed regulation funded by a ttl levy. The regulator would ensure that only ttl's which have serve a purpose and are designed and operated in a professional manner are allowed?
Yes these lights do have full legal authority. Someone I know was convicted of dangerous driving last year for failing to stop at one. He was fined €200 plus costs plus had his name published in the newspapers. He would probably now have penalty points as well.

They were doing work near us recently. It included the use of temporary lights at a T junction.
However, the legends that they are in Cork County Council only seemed to have thught of bringing along 2 traffic light poles.....where as of course there were 3 roads involved so they tried to feck one of them at the bottom of the road coming from the bottom of the T junction hoping it would stop cars coming on this road and one direction of the across line of the T.

Of course it didn't work at all as the lights were only visible to one of the 2 roads with the angle it was at. So everytime the other light went green there was uproar as people came from one direction with a green light, people kept coming from one of the other 2 roads in the opposite direction as there was no red light on their road and every time there was a big stand off and lots of raised fists....

What a joke...and twas like that for the whole Easter weekend...
Re: ..

Hi Legend,

Your story would be so funny if it wasnt so sad!

These kind of situations are replicated up and down the country on a daily basis.

Has any one any other ideas as to how their use could be regulated?

Re: ..

Can I buy temporary traffic lights and put them up outside my house? I could stand there, leaning on a shovel, in order to legitimise them! Oh the fun I would have....
Acme Temporatry Traffic Lights


What a clever idea! you could keep them in your boot and use them in all manner of situations ie getting out onto the main road etc.


Actually I have seen them available for hire in tool hire shop in Cork...kind of lends the question...who exactly is entitled to use them!
I am aware of having to stop for 3 people, Guard, Lollipop Lady/Man, Person in charge of animals. That was in my rules of the road anyways!

Fecking private builders etc who try and stop you have no legal right to as far as I know. I notice a new trend where they can have you stopped for 10 mins to let concrete trucks etc reverse onto sites where there is a tight space to get in.

Oh for my days in Boston where if you were doing any job interfering with pedestrians/cars in the city that you had to have a permit and pay for a cop to be there. In this dopey place anyway it seems can block off footpaths etc etc.
Re: ..

Hi Legend,

In Boston...you had to have a permit

I think this was at the back of my mind when I made the original suggestion. In US cities permits can be quite expensive.

Stop-Go Lollipop Holders

Just think though, the temporary traffic lights scenario has brought the fastest growing new career path into being, ie, "the holders of the stop go lollipops" Now theres a career path worth following.

It has to be the fastest growing profession in Ireland. New openings are springing up daily. You would make a fortune if you set up "a stop go lollipop holders" recruiting agency.

And the job satisfaction! Enormous. Just think you get to put up your stop lollipop just as the bloke in the BMW, Merc or other flashy vechicle who would normally look at you as if you were something rotten on the sole of his shoe reaches you. Now thats job satisfaction!

the bloke in the BMW, Merc or other flashy vechicle who would normally look at you as if you were something rotten on the sole of his shoe
That's right, anyone in an expensive car is a bas***d and hates everyone who earns less than them.
And I bet they judge people on appearances as well!
It's a good job you don't do that, eh?

Someone obviously got out of the wrong side of bed.

Have you no sense of humour. It was meant to be a joke! Tongue in cheek! Ha, Ha, that sort of thing.

Lighten up. Have a funny half hour. Some people have them. But then some people can't tell the difference between someone trying to lighten the situation and someone getting at them.

Its a good job you don't do that, eh?
Re: Purple

The two posts above are not by me.

Begone, imposter
Begone Imposter

I am sorry Observer, I was not aware you had registered the name Observer

Shall call myself Observer1 from now on, if thats alright by you.

Thanks for making a new contributor welcome by the way!