Temp job offer but interviewed for Permanent Position.


Registered User
Hello all, if someone applied for and was interviewed for a permanent position and was offered a job you would think right...it's a permanent position in terms of employment contract etc.

However if that person is offered a Temporary contract instead, surely the organisation that advertised the position as Permanent is in breach of some sort of legislation?

Perhaps someone that is more versed in such matters could share Thier thoughts experience? TIA.
There is no obligation whatsoever here. After an interview, an employer is fully within their rights to offer the candidate any or no role within their organisation.

It happens all the time where after interviewing a number of selected candidates for a particular role. One gets the job but if the organisation has other open roles, they may extend offers to other candidates for those roles. Most view that as a good thing.

Some companies will offer temp roles to people they're not confident about after the interview process as a means of giving that person an extended opportunity to prove they are up to the job. The candidates are then free to accept or reject those offers, anyone who came back questioning the legalities of that move would only be highlighting they are potential trouble.
Hi Slaps

I have seen some companies which only had approval from Head Office for a temporary role, advertising for a permanent position, to attract candidates who would not be interested in the temporary job.

The key question is why is the job temporary. If it's definitely going to end after someone comes back from maternity leave, then they were wrong to advertise it as permanent, but I doubt if they have breached any legislation.

If as Leo suggests, that they are not confident in you, then stay in your current job which I assume is permanent.
