Taxi driving


Registered User
Hi there,

I am a 57 year old currently unemployed male living in Dublin. Despite all the talk about “full employment” I am really finding it difficult finding work in any area, even unskilled work. I assume this is down to my age. I see companies like MyTaxi are launching a recruitment drive this year for taxi drivers, even offering financial incentives towards this.

I just wonder has anyone here taken this incentive up, or are there any existing taxi drivers out there who can offer some insight? Can you really make a decent living as a taxi driver in Dublin? Can you really only make money on nights and at weekends? Mytaxi have a calculator on their website suggesting you can make €25 per hour gross. Is this realistic? Yes, I know you have to allow for expenses, insurance etc. Talking about insurance, it’s seems pretty expensive for someone starting out? Any responses would be greatly appreciated

Thank you

Hi Ramilo,
I'm aam's resident taxi driver,it seems!
If you start out renting,your costs will be around €400 a week.
If you work days(ie catch the morning rush hours from 6) then you should on average make the figures mytaxi indicate.
Nights, Saturdays and Sundays pay higher but it's not for everyone.
If you do 60 jobs a week for the first 4 weeks,mytaxi will give you a €1000 bonus.
Have you passed the tests yet?
Hi vandriver,

No I haven't passed my tests yet. Busy going through the Mytaxi online mock exams though. I am no stranger to working shifts from my last job, so working nights would be nothing new to me. I do a see lot of taxis on the roads during the day, I was just wondering do they all get fares? I assume they must do. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
