Taxation advice


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Is there any advice out there on who can assist me in filling out tax returns foe a simple PAYE worker (me) who happens to owe some CGT on the sale of Shares. What I am really looking for is options i.e. do I just consult some accountant in the golden pages or are there experts out there that cater for this type of return. Am I the only PAYE earner declaring!

Would I be better off just going to the tax office myself & hoping they will assist me or will I run the risk of being over taxed? There seems to be many companies offering tax services to the Self epmployed/companies but very few for individuals. What are the rest of you taxpayers doing!

Please respond soon as I'm getting desparate!

If it's just capital gains on the disposal of shares the calculation is quite simple. If the chargeable gain (i.e. sale proceeds less indexed costs of purchase) is less than €1,270 then you don't have to make a return. By all means consult an accountant. They will give you professional advice and make the return on your behalf for a reasonable cost.
A lot of people would complete these returns themselves.

Some accountants refer disparagingly to the act of doing your own returns as a "DIY job". I suppose it comes down to your skill and confidence level - and the accountant's pricing structure.
Unless there are complicating factors (e.g. previous CGT issues including losses carried forward - especially eircom! etc.) the CGT calculations should be relatively straightforward. Look at the CGT guides on the Revenue website and assess if you feel comfortable doing them yourself. If you tax affairs are otherwise straightforward the situation may not merit professional advice. There's also a CGT calculator linked from the key topics thread in this forum which might help. On the other hand if you don't know what you're doing and you think that a mistake could be costly then you should get such advice. As to who to go to I don't really know specifically.
Thanks for that.
Perhaps I'm not too confident but as the returns would also include dividends, reliefs & so on it appears too complicated for as the accountant would put it a 'DIY Job'. If I received payment for the sale of shares in the last month or so when do I have to make a return. By the way I would be well over the threshold & would owe a fair whack of CGT. Finally what kind of accountant should I use i.e. chartered, certified etc or does it matter? Any idea of the fees for doing a PAYE return?

Dividends are subject to income tax. This is completely separate from CGT. The details about CGT filing/return and payment dates are on the Revenue website. Since the CGT could be a significant amount to you and you are not confident about doing this yourself you should get professional advice. Ask around for recommendations of a good/reliable tax advisor/accountant who would be interested in this work.
I went to this website and randomly emailed 5 of the accountants listed in my area explaining that I needed someone to help me do my tax return.

I got replies from 3 of them who were willing to help and one of them has now started work on it. I am just a PAYE worker too with a few extra complications. They are charging 195 euros plus VAT, which is fine by me

so you could try this list too