Tax Underpayment


Registered User

My accountant told me today that i owe the revenue e3300, which is a massive amount of money for me, due to the fact that my tax credits were updated during the year to incorrectly state that i was married. It was the accountant who informed the revenue that i was married.

My question is do i have any recourse with my accountant due to the fact that it was him who incorrectly provided the revenue with the information.

While you've every right to be angry with your accountant try to step back and think about it for a minute.

If your accountant hadn't done anything, you'd have paid €3,300 more in tax up to now.

The accountant's actions won't actually result in you paying anymore tax than you already would have done.

If there's any question of interest or penalties arising, then certainly you could have cause to demand your accountant cover them, if it was their fault for the mistake.

But it's hardly reasonable to expect that someone else should pay your tax for you.