Tax Resident in Canada with Potential Foreign Income


Registered User

I'm originally Irish and have living in Canada for the past 2 years. I'm a self-employed I.T. contractor here and my sole client is a company based in Ireland that I provide consultancy services to. Unfortunately I'm between work permits here in Canada at present and I have had to change my status to visitor.

I've posed on some forums here but I haven't been getting any responses. I'm trying to determine if it's possible for me to continue to provide services to my client while under visitor status in Canada. I was thinking that I would register as as sole trader in Ireland and declare my income there for the next 6 months while I'm a visitor here waiting for my next work permit. However a more simple approach would be to continue to declare my income here but as foreign income. However I'm not sure can I be a visitor in a Canada, provide services to a client in Ireland and then declare my income here (I will still considered a tax resident here). What exactly is the definition of foreign income anyway?

Appreciative of any steer in the right direction anyone could provide before I consult a tax advsior.
In Canada you can work for a foreign company while there on visitor status so long as they don't have any Canadian clients or offices.
Consult a Canadian tax advisor, your visa status does change your tax status. This is a common situation when people are renewing visas.

And you cannot be self employed in a country where you are not resident. It could be considered as tax evasion in Canada and could work against you for your visa renewal.