Tax on Shares & Dividends 2020


Registered User
Hello I'm an 18 year old, single, with no current taxable job ( I don't pay taxes or have any income ) and was wondering what the scéal is with tax on shares and dividends. Is there a standard rate for CGT, are there short and long term tax rates?

I currently hold my shares and ETF with DEGIRO.

I already have experienced tax on a dividends whereby I was charged a solid $0.12 on my single APPLE share.- must I now pay income tax on this or is the tax charged by the broker satisfactory?
Dividend TaxApple Inc$ -0.12

Secondly, if I bought 50 shares of X Ltd. worth €100 each and sold them 1 year later for €200 with a profit of €5000,-

€5000-€1270 = €3730; must I pay tax on this profit and if so what's the rate?
I will make my 2020 dividend tax return in Oct 2021.
CGT gets paid differently.