Tax on Foreign Income Received


Registered User
Hi, recently returned to Ireland after many years away and I am receiving interest from a loan I gave to a company as a director. Its not a deposit as such, it a risk based loan to a company.
On Form 11, annual Tax return, there is a place to state the Foreign Income received. Witholding tax is not taken in the foreign country. So money arrives ready to be taxed.
"Income from all other Foreign Non-Deposit Interest, Royalties, Annuities, Dividends, etc. on which no foreign tax deducted" is the term on Form 11. Assuming no other income, what tax rate would apply to the interest. I cannot find much specifics about it.........Any ideas anybody, seems a mystery?
It will be taxed at your marginal tax rate - so 0%, 20% or 40%

It may also be included in PRSI and USC calculations

You can calculate your tax with the amount and without the amount to see the difference which will be the tax on the extra income, all else being equal