Tax for Irish taxman from profit of Polish renting apartment



Dear all,

I just wonder if you can advice me about this issues.

We think to buy apartament in Poland, and we want to rent out, profit will be about 2,000 euro per year, do we have to declere this profil befor Irish taxman and paid from this income tax?

We are polish but live in ireland, and ireland is our home (in case of residence), any know how we have to do this to be ok with tax system?

Many thanks for advice
You would need to check if there are rules set out under a "Double Taxation Agreement" between Ireland and Poland. Additionally, your 'domicile' may be a factor in these circumstances- domicile usually refers to your place of birth which is Poland in your case. It is difficult to abandon your domicile of birth and acquire a domicile of choice. You would need to be able to show clear evidence that you intend to stay here in Ireland permanently.

My understanding is that if you are not domiciled in Ireland that you are taxed on your income arising outside Ireland and the UK only if you bring that income into Ireland. This seems to suggest that by leaving the rental income in Poland that you would not be liable to Irish tax.

However, I would strongly advise that you seek more advice on this as I am not an expert.