Tax credits for married couple vs tax credits if only one in that couple works?


Registered User
Hello, just wondering, my spouse may be able to start working in IT on a gross starting salary of 30k/31k a year. Yours truly, finishing a BA, would most likely only be working in a minimum wage job, or not far above minimum wage, initially at least. So, if my spouse is on gross 30k/31k a year and I'm on gross 18k or so a year, is it true that we both pay the following:

20% income tax (above x amount - what is that x amount?)
3.5 % USC (we would be full medical card holders for the first 3 years once we start f/t employment so lower rate is applicable)

As a married couple, both working, how much tax credits would we be entitled to? If only one worked, my higher earning spouse for example, what tax credits would we be entitled to? Thanks.
x amount depends on the situation.

x amount depends on the amount of tax credits you have.

Tax credit are as follows:

(1) Single / Married = 1650 / 3300

So if each spouse works they get 1650 each, which is fully transferable to each other.

If one spouse works, they should have the 3300 married tax credit on that income

(2) PAYE tax credit = Non transferable, also 1650 per person

If both work, then 1650 each.

If one works, then just 1650 PAYE tax credit on that income
Recently married both on higher rate tax

How do we tell revenue?

What difference does it make?