Tax benefit from investing in shares through ltd company?


Registered User
I'm curious to find out any tax benefits that occur if I was too purchase public shares through my own ltd company, as opposed to buying them personally.

Some key benefits i'm guessing could occur include

1. Lower payable tax = greater amount available to invest

e.g if my company made €100k profit a year, I pay 12.5% corporate tax (€88.5K remaining) and then pay myself out €70k as a salary.

€70k is then taxed at an average of lets say 40%, leaves me with €42k.

Invest €10k in shares personally, leaves me with €32k take home.


Original company profit = €100k
Purchase €20k worth of shares during financial year
New profit = €80K
- 12.5% tax = €70k

Pay myself salary of €51.5K

My tax rate average would lower significantly, lets guess it brings it to 30%

Leaves me with €36k take home and €20k worth of shares

I realise my tax rates estimates are probably way off, but would the general jist be correct?

2. Writing off associate costs of share trading.

If I spend €1k a year on transaction and account fees, could some of this be recouped if I was to buy through a company?

3. Capital Gains Tax as a company? Does CGT apply to a ltd company profiting on shares? With 40% CGT this would be a huge benefit if it could be avoided.

4. Drawbacks?

Loss of cgt excemption allowance (€1270 per year) is the obvious one to me, anything else?
There are so many flaws in your arguments and calculations, that it's hard to know where to start.

Let's start with the most glaring

Original company profit = €100k
Purchase €20k worth of shares during financial year
New profit = €80K

The purchase of shares is not a deduction for tax purposes. So your taxable profit is unchanged.

Buying an investment through a company is simply never a good idea.
You are exposing any gains to being taxed twice - once in the company as CGT and again in your own hands when you take the net gains as income or capital.

Have a read of this Key Post which should explain the basic principles

Should I buy my business premises through the company or in my own name?