Tax back on breast reduction surgical procedure?



Can anyone advise whether I can claim tax back for this procedure? I went through this procedure privately and therefore I did not get referral from a doctor for it, other than the doctor who was actually carrying out the procedure.

Please advise as I am at a loss as to the solution to this.

On the med 1 it states
--The headings under which expenses qualify are listed on Page 2 of this form. You must have paid or incurred the amounts
claimed on treatment prescribed by or on the advice of a qualifying practitioner. Drugs and medicines can only be claimed
where supplied on the prescription of a practitioner.--​

I claimed for it on my med1 but I had got a referral from my gp so I'm not sure you qualify without it. I guess it depends on whether your surgeon counts as 'on the advice of a qualifying practitioner'. If I were you I'd fill out the form, detailing the surgery in the 'other expenses - please detail' box. At least that way, you've said what it was for and it's up to revenue to provide a refund or not based on whether they decide it qualifies or not.
Yeah, that was what my issue was - there are no guidelines on what falls under the category of a qualifying practitioner.

Sorry Trish but just one more question around this - did you have to include your GP referral with your application form? It does not seem to suggest that you do have to.
If the person who carries out the procedure was a qualified practitioner, which I hope to God they were, then you are sorted. That condition is to cut out quacks.
that's brilliant - thanks for the help n info. I'll give it a try and fingers crossed all goes well.