Tax Back for 2009


Registered User

I worked and paid tax (paye) for January and February 2009 in Ireland. I finished up in my job at the end of February with no redundancy payment.

From March to the end of July 2009, I was unemployed and received jobseeker's benefit in Ireland. From the end of July onwards, I started a new job in the UK and have been employed and paid tax (on a pay as you earn basis) there since.

I understand that i'm entitled to receive back, from the Irish Revenue, all of the tax I paid in January and February of 2009.

I would be grateful if somebody could confirm how best to bring this about. Should I request a p21 balancing statement or should I submit a form 50?

In the usual course, I would have applied for rent relief and medical expenses for 2009. But I assume that as I will be receiving all of my tax back for 2009, there is no place for such submissions for my 2009 tax year.

If I were you, I would request a P21 balancing statement.

Just to be clear, you will not receive a refund of the PRSI paid.

I am assuming that you are single, or if married, have separate tax assessments.

If so, you have 3660 euro tax credits for the year, you will have used 1/6 of these, ( 1/12 per month for Jan and Feb). Therefore you have 3050 unused tax credits.
If you paid less than 3050 tax, you should get all of it back.

I dont know how this affects your UK tax return.
great, thanks for that.