Target MD says "Revenue to blame for job losses"

Factious / facetious are rather different things...
fac·tious   [fak-shuhs]
1. given to faction; dissentious: A factious group was trying to undermine the government.
2. pertaining to or proceeding from faction: factious quarrels.

I would suspect that there is a lot in this case that we are not hearing about.
I don't think we're getting the full story here at all.

I agree with this, and the loss of 290 jobs may indeed be true.

It would be a massive leap to assume that all, or even a majortiy of those 290 jobs were transferred elsewhere, as there is no way all competitors are operating all trucks at 100% capacity all of the time, plus there would be no need to duplicate the back office/ support jobs.

OK, so the closure of this loss making, capital starved, mismanaged company improves the efficiency and maintains the job security of the other companies.

But the general point is that this is not the same as an Irish exporter closing down where there is a total loss to Ireland.


Yes - you could easily argue it's a good thing, as it makes the country more productive. I can't see the newspapers spinning it that way though