Syria & Lebanon - will I get a Visa now on an Irish Passport?

to igy, EvilDoc, and Shiraz - thanks for all this info - feel like I'm already there.

EvilDoc, good idea about airport pickup, I booked the Orient Palace for the nostalgia of it - I'll ask them.

Shiraz, thanks for tip on Iranian mosque - I will definitely visit it, especially since this trip to Syria owes its inspiration to a previously planned voyage to Iran which fell through when all the violence kicked off with Mr. Ahmedinijad and the elections. With a name like Shiraz, I would guess you are probably Iranian yourself?

Damascus arrival sounds exactly like Cairo when I arrived there (at midnight of course) over 20 years ago. The winning taxi-man hadn't a word of English, nor did he know where the hotel was, but that didn't stop him. He detoured down some very small alleys to pick up some family members and between them and a half dozen shopkeepers and stall holders along the way they got me there. Who in their right mind would swap it for a package holiday! If only the embassy in London would send me the visa - or else put me out of my misery... 2 weeks sitting on it now.