Syncing Ipod causing laptop to shut down


Registered User
Would really appreciate if any experts can help.

I have around 1400 songs on my itunes of selected tracks from CD's. Last week my niece wanted songs on hers so I unchecked my whole selection and just checked what songs she would like and synced them to her ipod. About 376 tracks.

Afterwards I hooked my own ipod back up to charge it. I forgot to check all the tracks again and the 376 songs I put on my nieces ipod replaced all my original stuff.
I checked the whole selection again in order to sync my whole library to the ipod again but when the syncing is just about completed the laptop shuts down and brings up a blue screen and restarts.

Is the prob my ipod or laptop? Is there any way I can just sync my songs like I normally do without this happening.
Its like the system cannot take the amount of songs and just crashes.

I hope I've explained correctly, does anyone have this expereince.
Am going away on Friday for 2 weeks and really need to have my ipod with me for travelling etc.

Any suggestions appreciated..
Is there any way I can just sync my songs like I normally do without this happening.

Any suggestions appreciated..

1400 shouldn't be a massive problem with syncing, could be a laptop issue. Just to see if it's the volume of songs that's crashing the laptop, when you next connect cancel the automatic sync and go to the devices menu in iTunes.

Click on the iPod icon and look at the settings. In here set the iPod to manual sync. You can then add the songs in smaller chunks by just dragging and dropping them from your library onto the iPod.

I'll have to have a think if this still causes a problem.
Latrade, thanks for the post.

I tried your suggestion but no joy unfortunately.
I even deleted about 250 songs from my itunes library to see if it would sync with less songs but it would get right to the end and then crash.

Am not sure at this stage if it is my laptop that is the problem. Was gonna go and get a new ipod today but no point if the same thing is going to happen.
so I'

Thanks anyway though!
Maybe don't panic just yet. There's still plenty of options, but need to isolate what the source of it is, i.e. laptop or iPod. Have you tried your iPod on another pc/laptop and have you tried another iPod on your laptop? I know it means messing about with the songs on the various iPods, but as long as they're backed up it wont be a problem.

There is one more potential issue and that is before all this started did you update to the latest iTunes? A newly upgraded version sometimes opens some sort of computer-freak out-vortex for reasons only known to Apple.

I think the latest version is 8.2, check to see what your version is.
I actually have the same problem with my ipod and my Laptop. I am of the opinion that the laptop has problems with the volume of songs. I actually also do not know what I can do in order to fix it. It is very annoying the computer shuts down after he finished the sync. If I come up with a solution to this problem I will definitely post it here. Would be nice if you would do the same.