Switching mortgages need advice



Hi all
Just wondering if anyone has advice for me. I am currently on a tracker mortgage with PTSB with a rate of 2.25 over ECb so our current rate is 3.25%.Am really worried about increasing interest rates that are expected as with such a high rate over ECB wondering if we would manage to pay it if ECB increased steadily. An ecb rate of 4 would result in a rate of 6.25% Contacted them to see what a fixed would be and a 5 year fixed would be 6.1%. Have also contacted other banks and can get a 5 year fixed for 4.64 with BOI and reduce term to 30 yrs which would be about maximum payment we could afford of around 1300 euro a month. Getting mixed advice though and am afraid to give up the tracker mortgage but with such a high rate over ECB is it worth it or should I try and fix. Anyone in a similar position with tracker mortgages. Any advice appreciated.