switching from construction pension scheme to a prsa



i was working in ireland up to two years ago as a pipe-fitter and was paying into the construction workers scheme now known as CWPS. i am now working in norway for an irish agency which is not involved in the cwps. i have nearly 7,000 euros in that fund and was told i cannot pay avcs into the fund while working abroad.so my contributions sit there and rot and will be useless to me at retirement while the suits handling the fund cream off their commission/handling fees . i rang brokers enquiring if i could transfer the funds out of the cwps scheme into a prsa and was told that i cannot. it was suggested that i maybe could join a norwegian scheme but my employment in norway is of a temporary/contract nature . this also applies to workers in my trade and other construction trades in ireland.you could have 4 or 5 different employers in a year with some paying into cwps and some not . this cwps scheme is not living in the real world and is an example of workers getting their pants pulled down by manicured wastes of space in offices. any advice on getting out of this absurd scheme would be much appreciated.
Your criticism of the CWPS is similar to what I have heard elsewhere. Unfortunately the CWPS is enforced by law and employers who have the good sense to ignore it (based on their employees' wishes) are generally branded as criminals and cowboys, and are subjected to prosecution and penalties. Some farce...